15 years ago
Hi acro friends,
i now this isint the place for this kind of topic, but im also flying acro so maybe you will not kill me :-).
The message:
our paragliding sport is fantastic, there are many people around the world flying different equipment, and many of our friends are sometimes looking for used good stuff, but they always have problems with search...
I belive that many pepole around the world have the same problem so i decided to build free international paragliding market (ads). Filling the simple reg. form now everyone is able to input free paragliding ads with photos. Maybe this system will combine more different paragliding markets from different parts of regions...
You will find everything at: http://www.paramarket.org
I know there are still many things to do it there, but i decided to lanuch it now. Now it is in three languages but it will be also in german and spanish soon, im just waiting for translations...
Of course if something is working wrong or you have some wish dont hasitate to write it...
Please help me send this message to our sportmates, it would help a lot...
Soft landings,
Jarek Borowiec