6 years ago
Hey everyone,
I have a hard time finding answers on how to arrange my trip to get the most out of it, train as much as I can with spending as little as possible and most importantly to avoid all the troubles connected to the license stuff and all other things.
Also I have tried to register for courses with Xandi, but everyone seems to be so unresponsive there and the overall information is definitely lacking a lot.
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I don´t know how Gerlitzen will be like in October, but it could be a bit late. The Camp site where most pilots stay (Gasthouse Camping Lindenhof) offically ends the summer season on the 31st of september and the Cable car closes on the 14th of october. I imagine it might well be flyable most time, but you might also get rainy spells. Probably it will be very quiet in October and most peeople will have left.
If staying at the campsite, you´ll have a chance to meet lots of great pilots that you can get advice from. Also, there are some people who coach for a fee. I´d definately recommend Gerlitzen for learning, try to come in the summer and stay as long as possible.
If you can afford to stay for a couple of months between may and september and dedicate the time to flying you can really learn a lot. One guy I know went from misty to infinity in about two months worth of training.
Personally, I´ve got maybe about three to four effective weeks of training in and surpassed my goals for the season. Pal´s videos are great if you are a beginner. With an experience of about 100 Full-Stalls from minimum speed I managed to do my first proper dynamic full-stalls in just two runs by following his instructions.
Pal also has a Freestyle training 22-29. September, in Annecy. You might want to consider it.
From Armenia. And yeah, he finally answered, can't register anyways due to the fact that his courses are in German only, hope will figure everything out on my own, I am already a little prepared and have some knowledge. If you can share any "key things to know about Gerlitzen" I would really appreciate that. Thanks for the reply.
Thanks a lot Laroth! I had heard that those guys who fall into the water get into troubles with the police (I hope not to fall into the water, but you know, shit happens) and that you should have the Austrian license before flying there, that's what I meant.
Also, I would appreciate if you told me if October is a good season for Gerlitzen, where is the best camping spot and some other key things people have to know before going there for learning acro.
I am not quite sure what you mean with "license stuff and all other things",
what license do you have? if you have an ippi5 card you should be fine.
Important is valid insurance.
If you want to train as much and spend as little as possible, you have to learn as much in a flight as you can, so prepare yourself as good as possible and know how to perform the tricks in theorie.
consider watching pals masteracro over and over again for the basics, even if it seems expensive at first glance it pays out if you have to do less runs at an guided siv.
With the good weather right now most of the flying instructors have little time for office.
From where are you traveling? Xandi is booked out months in advance, although sometimes spaces free up on short notice.