7 months ago
I've developed a modest forecasting app that uses an algorithm to identify the best weather conditions for flying near your location. The app includes data on over 15,000 flying sites and their characteristics such as wind force, direction, rainfall, and tides where applicable. This information is cross-referenced with the latest fine mesh weather models to create a hybrid between a forecasting tool and a comprehensive spot database.
It provides you with a schedule of the best, most optimal flying sites around you. If not schedule, just click the yellow button "update" to update weather forecast.
This is the V1
Here is the link for the famous Acro site, Organya:
The app is primarily free, but I am exploring business models to support the costs.
There is a premium option (25€ /year) where sites are automatically updated four times daily within a 100 km radius around your location anywhere on the planet, and you can also create private sites.
For professionals, there is an opportunity to sponsor a zone, which increases your visibility and enhances your SEO with links back to your website. Take Annecy, for example.
Your feedback are welcome :)
Fly safe.