11 years ago
Luckily justACRO.com is popular enough to attract fake ads and scammers in the market. We are working hard to filter them out, and they are low in numbers, but every once in a while a new fake ad shows up in the market. We made this topic to inform everyone if we find a new scammer.
Few tips to avoid scams:
- usually this ads show images of someone else's glider. so if you may have seen that image before, than be alarmed!
- if the seller wants to have payed by Western Union, and easy way for them to stay anonymous
- usually these scammers are not pilots, so if he speaks dumbly about the glider than you may be walking into the trap.
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If you are a buyer: Ask for more photos and videos where the seller apear and/or talk with the flying or groundhandling glider. It's easy to take a photo with the open glider on the ground and our face in the corner of the photo...and its a minimum...
Here is the first report:
username: w0xa.nickels
ads in market: Ozone Delta 2 6-2013, Woody Walley X-rated6 L
The Delta has been confirmed by Ozone, that is still at it's original owner, who dosen't want to sell it.
These ads and the seller has been blocked from the Market.