18 years ago
Open FAI Solo results (2 valid runs)
1. MONTANT Antoine France 194,42
2. PRUNARETTY Hans France 164,67
3. CHATAIN Guillaume France 162,52
Results of the French championship (3 valid runs)
1. MONTANT Antoine 257,23
2. PLANTON cyril 229,12
3. CHATAIN guillaume 223,36
Synchro results (2 valid runs)
1. SOL TRIBAL ACRO 133,56 Brésil
2. SWISS TEAM 125,26 Suisse
4. SOFT LANDING 109,01 Hongrie
5. RICOLA FAT 102,72 Suisse
6. FAT ACRO CENOVIS 84,73 Suisse
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Now you can download the competitions/results/acrolac2006_final_results.xls detailed final results of Acrolac 2006 .
Thanks to Marc Aubertin for sending this.
Personally I finished at the 9th place and I'm quite satisfied with it. However our synchro result could be better...but next time!