AcroMax - no valid runs...

Due to the strong north winds throughout the entire weekend, unfortunately no runs were flown at the AcroMax World Tour event in Italy...
All focus turning towards the 2nd World Champs in Annecy!

AcroMax 2016

The second and last World Tour event this year is underway in San Simeone, Italy! 23 solo pilots and 7 synchro teams are registered. After yesterday's sunny training day the first tasks today were cancelled due to early and heavy thunderstorms...The forecast for the weekend looks better though.
Watch the video summary from last year here!
Photo: Brooke Whatnall

justACRO Boogie: thank you!

WHAT A NICE WEEK!!! 7 lovely days, 113 registered pilots, ~1000 acro flights, 84 pilots in the last all-together-flight many happy faces, 80+ sponsor presents (inkl. a glider!) spread out in raffle, great spirit & 10 years! And proudly saying that only 2 smaller accidents happened and 7-8 reserve openings! I dreamed about this event for a very long time...and now it finally happened...and how! I'm so happy, thanks for the positive...


HELP US TO FIND THE WINNER! The picture with the most LIKES will win an ICARO-Paragliders of his/her choice! The deadline is in 3 hours 11:30 PM TONIGHT (Central European Time)! Please share this post to spread the word! :)
See the photos HERE!

The justACRO Boogie is ON!

Yesterday the justACRO Boogie kicked off at the acro mecca, Ossiachersee, Gerlitzen!
In the afternoon 33 pilots participated in the first spectacular all-together-flight to color up the sky! We are expecting many more pilots to join during the week so snap your buddies, pack up your vans and come down here to have fun with us! ;)
More pictures here!