12 years ago
Alexander Meschuh reports about the World Cup in Austria:
"The APWC in Zell am See was an awesome event for the spectators, but also for the pilots. The new scoring system works really good, and the pilots get their result directly after the run. So the spectators are really involved in the competition! After years of talking about this, Claudio and his helping hands made it possible ! Thank you again Claudio in the name of all the pilots!
On the other hand, the pilots did not need to announce their program anymore before the beginning of the task. For me, it was a completely different way of preparation. I did not know what to perform when I arrived in the box! I felt also under pressure because of my leading position after the first task. Then once again big master Felix showed me, how to handle this pressure. It looks like he is just playing with his glider, no matter if he is in leading position or not. This is real experience. And what he never forgets: The smiling on the raft (-:
Also Francois Ragolski showed me and the others, how to switch the heli directions as fast as possible. I thought also that I should visit Organya again to train this high scored technical stuff. Francois took the second place in this World Cup.
I was really happy for Eliot Noches when he went on the podium with the third place ! He was also very unlucky with the weather situation at a contest earlier this season, like me.
Horacio said: " I finish in 4th position with a lot of work... Congratulations to the winner, my cousin Felix Rodriguez ! "
I think, it was a lot of work for everybody in this high level competition. But it was also a really good atmosphere the last last four days among the pilots! We had such a good time together!
Thanks again to all the helping hands, and the organisator Hans Frommer, who quit his work as a chairman of the Ikarus Pinzgau. It is not shure, if the worldcup in Zell am See will be carried out again in the future, because at the moment there is nobody, who would organize this competition again. Let´s hope for the best!"
The top 5:
1: Felix
2: Franzois
3: Eliot
4: Horacio
5: Xandi
Click here for the Final Results!
Official website: Ikarus Pinzgau