5 years ago
WATTIZZ Freestyle Paragliding Stories??
Mael Jimenez, member of the AirG Familie (www.airgproducts.com) is a talented youngster from – where else when we talk about Acro paragliding – France.
Since about one year he fills up his Youtube Channel with well edited Videos of his daily life in paragliding or with some WATTIZZ Clips.
So he is actually becoming the first real Acro Paragliding Blogger. justACRO catched him for an interview:
JA: Hey Mael WATTZZUP? The Season has already started – What did you already do and what are the plans for this year?
MAEL: Hey ! yeah, the season has started really early this winter. I was training while working in Chamonix and now I’m coming back to Organya to prepare for the comps and have some good airtime. Considering the way acro is evolving right now, I have no expectations for this seasons, I will, for sure, try my best to be in the top 10 of the World Tour ranking and training hard as usual, but regarding to the stuffs I’m preparing, I think my way out will be in the video-making rather than any podium. So I spend my time, exploring how can I propose new content for people who doesn’t know anything about acro. That’s my first purpose : to bring people into acro and try to make them apreciate the beauty of our sport.
JA: We crowned you as the first ACROPARAGLIDINGBLOGGER – How did you come up with this idea?
MAEL: Haha, thanks for this one ! Well, when I started acro three years ago I realized that whith my level and the fact that I started really late in comparison to others pilots, plus the fact that I was a frenchy (and you know how many top level pilots we have here) I surely wont be the next world champ or whatever I could be as an Acro Pilot. But, one thing I know about myself is that I really like creating stuff. With my natural tendency to make jokes everytime, i thought that it could be nice to have a track of my progression in video. So I started talking in front of the camera. But time passing by, I sought to improve the quality of the videos through new format and better shots.
JA: Will there be some more different types of videoformats?
MAEL: Yes of course. Right now I will focus on the WATTIZZ episodes as soon as I can get back on filming. It’s, in my opinion, the format whitch I can rely on for spreading « what is acro ?» out of our small world. I will also continue the Freestyle Paragliding Stories episodes, trying to get closer and closer to a documentary/movie-like format. And, soon (still secret right now) I will start a totally new acro-related webshow that I’m pretty sure even non-acro pilots will like. Meanwhile, I will start some other bigger projects out of my channel for the year to come.
JA: Thanks for you time and have a great season!
Follow him on YOUTUBE: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5RxuxjdP5saSW_bmlEPaVA