4 years ago
Hi everyone,
i try to be optimistic and hope that covid crisis will be over this summer everywhere. So i'm planning holidays in Gerlitzen.
I do have a couple questions however:
- could anyone confirm that pilots from france are allowed to fly there?
- what is recommended for lake retrieve? Any rescue service that we need to register to?
- is there any XC potential in the area as well?
Thx and regards,
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Hi Laurent,
The cable car is not opened yet. To be honest I don't know how the covid situation will affect tourism this year so stand by for more information. Yes, pilots with French licence are allowed to fly there. The rescue is done by the local water rescue. No registration needed but unfortunately it costs 150 (?) EUR per rescue. Local XC flying is very limited due to airspace restrictions but top XC sites are within 1-1.5 hours: Tolmin and Emberger Alm.
As far as I know the rescue service costs 150€. Some insurances might cover it.
I hope the lift and the borders open again soon.
Thanks for your reply!
I am living 20 minutes away from Gerlitzen. This is what I can tell you:
Not sure about your first question. There are definitely people flying from other countries, that's what I can tell you. I guess you are asking due to those old topics from 2013 about trouble at Gerlitzen? Is the French paragliding license approved/permitted internationally by now in 2020? If so, I guess you are good to go then.
Unfortunately there is no rescue service solely for paragliders (provided by other paragliders or whatever). There is a general rescue service for the Ossiacher See in Annenheim/Sattendorf with a boat and they rescue paragliders too obviously. When they see you pull the reserve they prepare for a water landing and will pull you out fast with their boat. Or you make it to the landing area in case you have a steerable rescue or luck with the wind and don't pull too low haha.
I have heard that the rescue service costs over 100€ per water landing. Never landed in the water myself (yet), so I can't tell you what it costs exactly, but if you want to know the exact price I can ask.
People do fly XC, even from the Gerlitzen. And generally there are enough mountains to go Hike & Fly too.
If you need more information or you have other questions, just let me know!