15 years ago
Hi everyone,
next spring i'll have the opportunity to take my base jumper friend on a tandem ride and release him out in a relatively strong thermal conditions, he required at least 1000m altitude difference to perform a safe drop. So, i'm sure there's plenty of you guys who had that experience. Staying alone on a 38,4 m/2 proj. with my 70 kg body weight makes me wonder how does the tandem wing behave in a full stall and nose down spiral and which one of these two is more efficient to get it back down. Thanks in advance
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Wing will be very very slow in all asspects, very sensitive for thermal conditions (horse shoe, ear collapses) if there is a strong thermal conditions. You'll be pushed to do spirals, deep spirals to lower yuor altitude, otherwise you'll be going only higher and higher. I have flown a lot of time with Sting 250 wing and it has a starting weight only 105kg. You'll fly with a wing which has starting weight 130kg and I think my mentioned notices will make even stronger influence into wing's reactions for a strong thermal.
1000m???????? he is NOT a BASE jumper
its pretty sweet, i prefer sort spreaders to spreader bars, as the pasnger harness dosent get in the way so much. with the full stall i found it takes a lot longer to recover from...so exit with pleanty of height. Sprials are no prob just take time to build up speed, maybe try wing overs to help entry. all in all i have found its just slow entrys and recovery. rember most tandems have a min weight around 130kg...so all up you might find you come close to the min weight any way. the wind is the factor you need to be most awear of! have fun! its an awsum view from the pilot seat