1st Parabatix - the ultimate sky race

In September 2010 an old dream of the paramotor world came true! A completely new style of competition that brakes out from the rigid format of the old-school paramotor competitions. After years of trying to convince the FAI to mix up the boring tasks with such challenging games,

Pascal Campbell-Jones finally decided to organize this event himself and Parabatix was born. The first test-event was held in the beginning of September in South-France, close to Montauban where 14 of the world's best ppg competition pilots got together (including multiple world and national champions). After 3 days of testing different "sky races" including some slalom, speed and various precision tasks (like transporting balls or rings from one place to the other, kicking sticks, etc) a competition day was held with 5 different tasks. The pilots had plenty of fun and the atmosphere was absolutely great.
Pascal and his team did a great job and without doubt probably the most spectacular event of the paramotor world, from the public's point of view. Everything is happening super fast, very close to the ground just in front of the spectators and the races are not longer than 1 or maximum 2 minutes for each pilot!
The goal is to make Parabatix grow big and become a series of races all over the world (like Thailand, Dubai, USA...) just as the Red Bull Air Race for example. A DVD is under production and will come out soon

Results of the 1st Parabatix


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