11 years ago
I wanted to ask how to install the Quickouts at the supair acro3 Harness. The big belt is no problem...but the small one?
I already tried with baby powder, vaseline and hot air....nothing worked...but it should be compatible!
Does anyone has an idea how it works?
Thanks for your answers!
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Thanks! I couldn't find an elastic ring inside...maybe they are tighter in 2013 models...;(
I will ask sup air...maybe they know the problem!
Thanks:) I removed the red clip but i think it's too tight :(
Maybe the loops of your harness are too small because of tolerances so the Quickouts will not work.
On my Acro3 there's even a difference between left and right side: one side is not a problem, the other side is much tighter.
But in principle it should work, of course you should disassemble the the red clip before you try to install it ;)
I had no problem doing that on a 2012 model. It is not easy but eventually it will work.
Note that I had to remove something (elastic ring) which made the small belt hole even smaller.