11 years ago
The new style of D-Bag setup , the "Passenger Style D-bag " offers multiple advantages when performing D-bag drop, as opposed to the classical under-the-tandem pilot position.
Not only the takeoff is a piece of cake, even on zero wind with short runway, but the thermalling capacities of the glider in this setup are optimal. It also enables tandem aerobatic maneuvers for catapulting the pilot from wing-over, stall, etc, and it makes an easy landing if the pilot aborts the jump.
The crash in the second part of the video occurred the same flight, as Dipendra Gautam was spiralling from above me and crashed into my glider, without seing me flying peacefully under him. Nobody was hurt, all good, praise the lake !
PS: I will come again with a descripitve video for that "Passenger Style D-Bag". It is easy to make even without special release systems...