10 years ago
Hi guys!
I'd like to buy an paramotor for my RR Rolling 22 to play a bit aroud after work when time is to short to travle to the next training hot spot (for me its Austria/Krippenstein > 1h away)
Are ther some of you who can help me find the right paramotor for soft acro.
Maybe ther are some key requirement I should mention befor deciding wich paramotor suits my needs best.
At the moment I preferre a strong but also light one most. (G-Force Moster185, G-Forse Corsair 180, PAP Moster 185)
With Nova Trimmers for the Rolling ant the max load I thing the glider get really fast too :-)
Only the advantages of reflex profiles and easy wing-tip steering will be disatvantages.
thanks for your comments,
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Just to keep you up to date:
I bought an Fly Products Rider Kompress with the Cors-Air Black Devil M25Y and the standard 122cm carbon blades (2 blade version)
I know ther is also a special acro version with a smaller cage and a 3 blade propeller out there but I get a used one cheap from an other acro pilot. :-)
Also after searching PPG videos I saw that "acropilotmanu" are also flying with thist motor, so I hope it was a good choice for the beginning.
technical spec:
thrust: 70kg
max rpm: 7.500rpm
weight: ~28kg without fuel
Nowbody here who flys also paramotor freestyle/acro??