Hi man !!!
congratulation...i love people trying to understand things and trying different way!! You made a very nice job!! Some people will say that you don't need this kind of machine to do tumbling, but it will for sure allowed some people to understand a little bit more the infinity...for my information, how do you manage to create the angular shoot rotation...and the g force X, is it the vetical load factor from the sitting position of the pilot (i don't know if you understand me ;-)).
Very nice man...i find this very funny and playful !!!
keep going on...
Latest Comments
hahha ppipipip piipipip :D
collin looking forward to try this funny stuff because i forgot how it works :D
Hi man !!!
congratulation...i love people trying to understand things and trying different way!! You made a very nice job!! Some people will say that you don't need this kind of machine to do tumbling, but it will for sure allowed some people to understand a little bit more the infinity...for my information, how do you manage to create the angular shoot rotation...and the g force X, is it the vetical load factor from the sitting position of the pilot (i don't know if you understand me ;-)).
Very nice man...i find this very funny and playful !!!
keep going on...
of course, you can comment, don't b shy...