16 years ago
„First it wasn’t called acro, it was only called crazy stuff. The name of acro came really the day when Raul Rodriguez created the SAT team. It was the beginning of the acro“ – says legendary pilot, Richard Gallon about the rise of the paragliding aerobatics, one of the most edging mountain sport this days. Acro was dominated by two Spaniards, Raul and Felix Rodriguez for many years. These gentlemen created most of the maneuvers and hold the world champion title.
Pál Takáts and Gábor Kezi started with paragliding in 2002. Their country, Hungary is a flatland, there almost no sports for paragliding. Pal and Gabor were infected by acro, they were training on the 50-60 meter high hills. In 2005 the couple shown up on competitions. Due to their strong commitment they become successful in about two years, even tough they hadn’t had training sites or sponsors. It was a surprise for acro community. Before it took a long time climbing from ground to the podium.
The 60 minute documentary, Champions Take Nothing shows the big battle of the new generation with the founders of this sport, Raul and Felix Rodriguez. This film explores the paragliding acro subculture, shows the technology behind and introduce the most important pilots.
Coming soon...
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Is "champions take nothing" available somewhere (internet/dvd)? I hoped to see
it at the coupe icare but unfortunately they didn't show it..
The premier of the movie "Champions take nothing" (directed by András Kollmann and Sarolta Fodor) will be held during Paranoia Acrobatixx competition on the 18th of July (Saturday) at 8:00pm in Zell am See.