10 years ago
(1 vote)
Acrorando fly in Haldigrat (CH)
Start from Wolfenschiessen with the Brandlen lift (500m - 1200m - 9 CHF) then 1 or 2 hours hike to Gigi peak (1850m) and finally Haldigrat (1937m).
Takeoff from the ridge over Haldigrat for a marvellous soaring in the grassy slopes then thermalling up to 2400m and back in the valley for a long acro run 1500m height.
Ultralight hiking gear : Sup'Air acro3, a 3kg Beamer, a 2,3kg rescue and an AirG Emilie 20 = heavy package about 20kg ;-)
Evolution Vol Libre 2014
More info : http://www.haldigrat.ch