Thriller X4 first test flight. Esfera, Infinity, Helico combos, the wing is awesome !!!


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Hi guys!

I just received my new X4 last friday so I immediately go to Garda lake to test it.
Even with my little acro level I managed to do all the tricks in only 2 days!
It's the 18m2 size and my take off weight is 100 kg.
The wing is very stable in helico, the helico connexions are really easy and the she's very solid as well in rythmic and anti-rythmic.
For sure this is the best wing ever made by Uturn since the 2K11…

If you want to see more picture/videos of it in the next few weeks you can follow me on my facebook page :



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Bruno L's picture

ben ... ils tournent plutôt bien tes helicos!