Raul leaves the competition arena


Raúl Rodríguez, the most well known and respected ACRO world champion pilot ever, has announced that he is to quit competition flying. Raul has perhaps been the most influential pilot within the sport of paragliding and his contribution to the discipline of acro has been inmeasurable. Raúl, invented most of the extreme acro manouvres used today, such as the “Sat” or the incredible “Infinity Tumbling.” - He is still the current Guiness world record holder for the most consecutive “Infinity Tumbles” completing a perfect 108 tumbles in June 2006.

Busy August...


Since the beginning of August the acro circuit is travelling all around the Alps, going from one competition to the other and hunting for good training conditions inbetween. In these weeks it is always very hard for me to keep updated the website (especially without a computer) so sorry for that, but I try to manage the delay. I am very happy to tell that Gabor is back again after his injury and despite he did his first acro flight on the training day of Vertigo we are competing together again!

Paranoia Acrobatix

Paranoia acrobatix - Zell am See:

After two runs Pál Takáts leads the comp. Today (friday) is cancelled due to a massive cold front. They say tha tomorrow we'll face good weather so there is a chance to make a valid comp here.

Zell is a really nice place, the the raft is in front of a popular city beach - so hordes of tourists are watching comp.

More news later.

Gábor Kézi - I needed it...

Yesterday was a nice day for me. I was practicing helicos, and it went very well in the begining. I was also able to do a dynimac fullstall to helico :) Then I climbed up again, and went for an other helico which didn't work well, so I lead out... but it was too fast, and shoot in front of me, and below. In the next moment I was in the lines, so I throw to rescue immediatly.

Adrenaline overdose...

A few days ago Gábor had a crash after he broke an A line in an Asymmetric SAT. The glider was flying and he decided to land without rescue but when he was already very low the wing entered a deep stall what he couldn't recover and he hit the ground. His back hurt so the ambulance bring him to the closest big hospital in Lleida by helicopter. They did some X-Rays, but it didn't show too much. Since then he is waiting for a CT scan to make sure if there is a problem or not. In the meantime he starts to feel better and got totally bored in the hospital's bed.