9 years ago
(2 votes)
Few pictures of my holidays in Martinique 3 weeks ago.
There is 4 spots in the south of the island, one is perfect for acro training, an other one, inside the lands, is good for thermals flights and the last 2 ones are soaring hills along the east coast over blue lagoons. émoticône smile
It's flyable all year long, almost every days from 10am to 5pm… and if you are tired of flying you have perfect places for snorkeling or kite surfing very close to the paragliding spots!
This island is bit unknown for that but it's a real paradise for flying in the winter !
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Sorry for the bad typing..was in my cell and autocorrection messed the text up ;-)
Der FLO13,
I'm gonna be in Martinique end of March. Could you share the names of the flying sites (vor villages close by?) Also if you habe any advises I'd really appreciate that. Thing is, online I can only find one flying site and it's altitude seems to be roughly 250m ...which is not mich for Acro. So I wonder which wing to bring with me...
Anyway, really any kind of help would be appreciated,
trop cool cette "wid"!
This makes me feel like i live on the wrong side of earth :(