Warm-up Chamonix


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sven.haller's picture

Octane2 22, harness supair acro base, located in Geneva

FLO13's picture

What glider do you fly?

sven.haller's picture


Could you maybe help me to improve my helicos?
I have been trying for quite some time now. Sometimes better, sometimes (most of the time) worse. The problem is that I do not really know what I do wrong, so it is also difficult to improve or progress. I would like to control my wing - right now it is the wing that controls me :-(
I think that with some external hint and tips, it would be much easier, faster and safer to progress.

sven.haller's picture

BRAVO! very cool!

FLO13's picture

Hi ! Thanks :)
I fly acro since 3 years , only in my weekends... but I did a lot of aerobatic aircraft before which helped me a lot to get a fast progression.

sven.haller's picture

Fantastic. Great control of your wing! How many acro flights did you need to get to this point??